Some of hands on Basic Cisco Command to practice for CCNA (DCICN) Data Center test (640-911). This post is going to share a series of Cisco commands used in day to day operations Network engineers would exercise to complete Networking requirements.
1. To delete the start-up configuration
Switch#write erase boot Switch#reload
2. To enter Global Configuration Mode
Switch#config Switch(config)#
3. How to the save the Configuration
Switch#copy running-config start-config or Switch#copy run star
4. Set the hostname
Switch#config t Switch(config)#hostname switchA
5. Setting up the management ip address and description
switchA#config t switchA(config)#int mgmt0 switchA(config-if)#ip address switchA(config-if)#description management address switchA(config-if)#end switchA#
6. Creating VLANs
switchA# switchA(config)#vlan 10 switchA(config-vlan)#name meaningful-name switchA(config-vlan)#exit switchA(config)#
7. Assign an interface to a vlan
switchA#config t switchA(config)#int e3/1 switchA(config-if)#switchport switchA(config-if)#switchport mode access switchA(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10 switchA(config-if)#end switchA(config)#
8. RIP
Nexus7k(config)# feature rip Nexus7k(config)# router rip RodzRIP Nexus7k(config-router)# address-family ? ipv4 Configure IPv4 address-family ipv6 Configure IPv6 address-family Nexus7k(config-router)# address-family ipv4 unicast Nexus7k(config-router-af)# int e3/1 - 2 Nexus7k(config-if-range)# ip router rip RodzRIP
Nexus7k(config)# feature eigrp Nexus7k(config)# router eigrp RodzEIGRP Nexus7k(config-router)# au? authentication autonomous-system Nexus7k(config-router)# autonomous-system ? <1-65535> Local AS number Nexus7k(config-router)# autonomous-system 100 Nexus7k(config-router)# int e3/1 - 2 Nexus7k(config-if-range)# ip router eigrp RodzEIGRP
10. OSPF
Nexus7k(config-if-range)# feature ospf Nexus7k(config)# router ospf JRVOSPF Nexus7k(config-router)# int e3/1 -2 Nexus7k(config-if-range)# ip router ospf JRVOSPF area 0
11. Configure ports for routing, Example ports e3/1 and e3/2
Nexus7(config-if)# int e3/1 Nexus7(config-if)# no switchport Nexus7(config-if)# ip address Nexus7(config-if)# no shutdown Nexus7(config-if)# int e3/2 Nexus7(config-if)# no switchport Nexus7(config-if)# ip address Nexus7(config-if)# no shutdown
12. Configure a static route to remote network
Switch#conf t Switch#(config)#ip route e3/1
Switch#conf t Switch#(config)#int e3/28 Switch#(config-if)#switchport Switch#(config-if)#switchport mode trunk Switch#(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan add 10 Switch#(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 10 Switch#(config-if)#end
14. Changing Native VLAN
Switch#conf t Switch#(config)#int e3/28 Switch#(config-if)#switchport Switch#(config-if)#switchport mode trunk Switch#(config-if)#switchport trunk native vlan 660
15. Configuring VTP
Switch#conf t Switch#(config)#feature vtp Switch#(config)#vtp mode server Switch#(config)#vtp domain <domain-name> Switch#(config)#vtp password <password> Switch#(config)#vtp version 2 Switch#(config)#vtp pruning Switch#(config)#sh vtp status
16. Configuring Inter-VLAN Routing
feature interface-vlan interface vlan 10 ip address int vlan 20 ip address int vlan 30 ip address
17. STP
show spanning-tree conf t spanning-tree vlan 1 priority 4096 (multiples of 4096 up to 61440) int e3/40-44 spanning-tree port type edge (for hosts) int e3/45-48 spanning-tree port type network (for inter switch links)
18. Set a switch as root bridge
spanning-tree vlan 1 root primary
19 port-channels
interface port-channel 1 int e3/31-38 switchport switchport mode trunk channel group 1 mode on channel group 1 force mode on
20. Show the forward/filter table
show mac address-table
21. Show the STP root bridge for a VLAN
sh spanning-tree sh spanning tree vlan <vlan#>
22. Configure a switch port to not transition through STP
spanning-tree port type edge
23. Show port channel
sh interface port-channel number
24 ACL To deny access to host for telnet and ftp:
access-list 110 deny tcp any host eq 21 access-list 110 deny tcp any host eq 23 access-list 110 permit ip any any int e3/1 ip access-group 110 out
25. Named ACL
ip access-list Deny_FTP deny tcp any host eq ftp permit ip any any int e3/2 ip accès-group Deny_FTP out sh access-lists
26. Configure Session
config session <session name> .... verify commit
27. Object Groups
object-group ip address <name> show object group <name> 10 20 30 Nexus7(config)# object-group ip port Permit_Ports Nexus7(config-port-ogroup)# range 2011 2099 Nexus7(config-port-ogroup)# eq 31156 Nexus7(config-port-ogroup)# gt 32655 Nexus7(config-port-ogroup)# show object-group Permit_Ports Protocol port object-group Permit_Ports 10 range 2011 - 2099
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